Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trusting God from a Distance

In our passage this week, John 4:46-54, A man comes to Jesus with a great need, a son who is sick and near death. This man pleads with Jesus to come and heal him. Honestly, Jesus response feels a little like one of Job's friends. Where's the compassion? He needs a miracle not a rebuke. The man persists and receives this answer. "Go, your son will live". This man had heard about the things that Jesus was doing and came to him in light of his reputation of power but all he got from Jesus were words. The Bible says this man believed and he turned around an began the 20 mile journey home.

Think of how hard that must have been. Each step filled with questions, perhaps doubt making it's move. "Why won't he come? If I wait until I get home it could be too late." That must have been a hard trip to take. "If he's in Cana, how can he make a difference in Capernaum?"

I wonder, if like me, you have struggled with this dilemma - trusting God with someone when you can't see either of them. Last summer Emily, my oldest daughter worked at a camp in Wisconsin. I had never been there and would not see her for 6 weeks. How could I be the Dad I'm supposed to be and protect her if I can't even see her?

It was 6 weeks. If I struggled with 6weeks, how will I possibly endure her being away in college? I have had to remind myself time and time again that if I can trust God to watch her while I'm near, I can trust Him to care for her when I'm not.

In what circumstance do you most struggle when it comes to trusting God?

What say you?

1 comment:

  1. :) I love you too, Daddy.

    As you know,I have issues trusting God with my heart, which is totally ridiculous. But, as you also know, I'm human and am prone to want to take control. I want to write my own story and protect my heart alone. It doesn't work that way. My heart's only safe with Jesus. But, I am learning to trust Him with it and to take procausions, coming up with strategies to keep it in His possession. He's the only one I can really trust with it. It's silly to want to take it back all of them time, and honestly, I have no reason to.
