Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Curse

I've had it up to here! (points to top of eye brows) Today is September 22, 2009, what would be my Dad's 77th birthday and instead of celebrating a birth I am saddened by a death. Every so often I think of how death has cheated me. I never got to see my Dad or my Mom bounce my kids on their knee. They weren't there to see me preach in front of the faculty and student body of Dallas Seminary and they weren't there to see me receive a Masters Degree in Theology (Th.M). They would have been proud, we would have laughed and we all could have been amazed together at what God did through a guy like me.

A long time ago a decision was made to listen to the advice of a liar and reject the Word of God and we fell. As beautiful as the sunsets are, as gorgeous as the colors of Fall we have no idea how good it really was before sin entered in through one man's disobedience. People get sick because of sin. People hurt people because of Sin. I lost the opportunity to grow in a new found friendship with my Dad because sin is everywhere and the proof is everywhere- the penalty of Sin is Death.

When I read in John 4:46-54 of the Official that comes to plead with Jesus to heal his son, I can't help but realize how desperate he must have been. If he was in any kind of political position as many commentators assume, he most likely pulled every string out there, called in every debt, spent every last drachma to make his son healthy again but to no avail. Jesus was his last and only chance.

Only Jesus could reverse the effects of the Curse and in His mercy, he did. Remember the purpose of these signs is to cause us to believe that He is "the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing we would have life in His name" In this "sign" Jesus does indeed reverse the curse and the young man who would surely died, lived demonstrating his divine power.

It's got me thinking, "what else am I missing out on because of the scarring sin has wrought in this world?"

What are you missing today because of Sin?

What say you?

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