Saturday, September 12, 2009

Details, Details, Details

Through out John 2:1-11 there seems to be key elements that are dripping with hidden meaning. For example; they were at a wedding; the wine ran out; empty water jars for ceremonial cleansing; filled to the brim; water into wine; the statement that "you have kept the good wine for now", and all of this together brought the following result:

11. "This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and
manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him."

How much should be made about the details of John's record of this event? Was it just a wedding or was John indicating something to us? Is it significant that it was wine that ran out and not bread? What about the empty pots, later filled to the brim? Is this just clear writing or should something be made of it all?

What say You?

1 comment:

  1. The water jars were significant in that they were for ceremonial washing--the old covenant. Jesus filled them with "useless" water and turned it into wine, symbolizing his blood of the new covenant that would "wash away" sins permanently. This also indicated a fulfilling of the old covenant.
    The wedding: Jesus the Bridegroom and the church the Bride; the wedding feast to come.
    The purpose of this sign was to show his disciples who he really is--and they believed!

    The following text--the scourging of the temple also has a message of the passing of the old covenant (destruction of the temple) and the coming of the new covenant (Jesus being raised from the dead in 3 days).
