Friday, September 18, 2009


Aretha Franklin wanted it from her husband, Rodney Dangerfield never got any and without it culture breaks down. RESPECT is what I would like to see in the kids who walk down the middle of the street at night wearing dark clothing and flip you the "tall finger" when you warn them of the danger in which they place themselves. You've been disrespected and it hurts. You want to be treated like a person, not a number or an object.

Respect is one of those issues that comes up in the study of John 2 when Jesus is talking to His mother, Mary (who by the way is never identified by name in John's Gospel). Take a look.

3When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”
4And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”

Now, everything we read about Jesus as a boy gives us no evidence that he in anyway disrespected his parents but what kind of answer is this to her concern. I know if I would have called my mom "Woman" I may have had a taste of "Irish Spring".

If you pick up a commentary to read about this unusual address, you find that in Jesus culture it was similar to calling someone "Ma'am" and was indeed respectful but they also point out that is would certainly been out of place to address you mother this way? So what's up with that then? What do you think Jesus intended when he called Mary "Woman"

What say You?


  1. Good thoughts and good sermon today! I have heard this scripture preached many times but you gave some new insights. Thanks! The command to the servants to "Do whatever He tells you" even though it didn't make sense was a good reminder that God's ways are not our ways. We are transformed when we obey our God regardless if it makes sense. As I was thinking of Christ's miracles....many (but not all) involved an act of obedience on the part of someone. Interesting thing to ponder.

  2. At one point in your sermon, Az'a leaned over to me and she said, "there's so much stuff in just a few verses!” Thanks for feeding us meat this week, Pastor Dave!

  3. So, who do I need to talk to to get a sermon CD sent to me?

    I think he was drawing a line to separate her from his mother to his follower.
