Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Something we don't realize is that while it may not take great effort for Jesus to turn water to wine, heal a sick son or cause a lame man to walk, it cost him a great deal.

This week the trouble begins in our study of the seven signs. Jesus walks up to a man who for 38 years is practically helpless and out of nothing but grace, Jesus changes his life. "Get up and Walk!" Jesus says. I wonder, if that was you where would you go first? This man chose the temple but on the way he is descended on like vultures by the Pharisees.

"Why are you carrying your bed? Don't you know it's the Sabbath?" "The man who healed me, he told me to" and instead of focusing on the healing they are stuck with a so called violation of their law. The Pharisees had developed 39 rules about obeying the Sabbath and one of them was that no one was to bear a burden. Interestingly, the one thing they accused him of doing was the exact opposite of what happened. Jesus had just relieved him of a 38 year burden.

Think of it this way, some one you love is sick and they're spiraling fast. You hit the gas to get to the emergency room and in doing so you have surpassed the speed limit. What would be the right response of a policeman- lecture you for 20 minutes on the importance of the speed restrictions? No, of course not he should see the real issue is the life that is in danger and assist you in getting there quickly and safely. They missed it completely. If the law is for the preservation and keeping of life then they should have focused on how this purpose was fulfilled in this man's life.

This sign/miracle became the impetus for the Pharisees to oppose Jesus and would eventually lead to His Crucifixion. All because He showed mercy and exhibited power on the Sabbath.

God has given us much instruction how to live but let's make sure that in following it and teaching it we don't choke the life out of others or ourselves.

What say You? Seriously, write something. ;0)

1 comment:

  1. Isn't the paralytic's story our story as well? Jesus relieved us of our burden. I wish we could learn to take Jesus at his word. What's with our stubborn unwillingness to be healed?
