Thursday, February 18, 2010

When ever you point your finger, three are pointing at you!

The book of Jude is pretty harsh. It almost comes across as some doctrinal finger pointing. One statement that should have been made thus far in our study is that Jude is not writing to his readers for the purpose of starting a witch hunt and trying to find others who have bad doctrine and kicking them out. What he intends is that we learn to test all that we hear by the word of God. The only one's we are to examine are ourselves.

So let's hear them. What kind of interpretation errors have you made and someone helped you see the truth.

I remember as a new believer reading about how God hardened Pharaoh's heart (I missed how Pharaoh hardened his heart against the LORD) and thought well, if God hardened his heart, then it's not fair that God condemn him- Pharaoh's going to be in heaven! It seemed like good logic but it was bad Bible. God hardened his heart like the sun melts wax- the wax is of such a substance that heat causes it to melt. The more God revealed his will to Pharaoh, the more Pharaoh's heart was hardened.

So what's your story?

What say you?


  1. I like that illustration with the sun and the wax..that is clear.

  2. I'm really enjoying Jude's warnings and cautions. Not much good at analyzing my own thoughts, however. But I love Psalms 19 and 119 which describe the Truth of God using incredibly descriptive adjectives. And it warms my heart and soul to recognize the richness of God and His Word. He is such a faithful Father.

  3. Well Pastor Dave, my list of misunderstandings of the scriptures would be a mile long!! I will spare you a very painful story of misguided and uneducated ideas of what the scriptures mean. I only want to mention one, yet it encompasses many of the other mistakes.

    A strong emphasis on only portions of the scripture and not the whole, led me to a life of works! I was completely in bondage. Satan had a hold on me through the teaching of works. You know, you are not good enough…so you better watch everything you do…you will go to hell. Oh, I tried so very hard…going to church every time the doors were open, taking communion every week, keeping track of all the good things I was accomplishing, and of all the bad at the same time (what a heavy load!). I was terrified…everyday, all the time.

    Praise God for my sister! She too had grown up with this type of teaching. She was unsatisfied and began to study on her own. When she discovered the truth…what a difference it made in her life! She shared with me…not just verses, but the whole of the scriptures from the beginning in Genesis to Revelation. Sadly, we had been taught to ignore the OT because we were under a new convenient, now that Christ had died. In other words just a new set of Laws. Whole portions of scripture were revealed to me …ones I’d never even heard of… like
    John 20 (I loved the weeks you were using this verse in your sermon series)
    How could we attach our own works to this verse…nothing but Christ is here!
    Romans 8
    I was told to avoid the book of Romans because it was too confusing for most believers to understand!!!
    Ephesians the first 3 chapters
    We were often taught about the last 3 chapters, but again avoided the first three, because of confusion.
    Galatians and how it refers back to Acts…wow were my eyes wide here!

    I could go on, but I think you get it. Bits and piece of the whole only confuse and harm. I have learned that the Bible as a whole needs to be studied. Thank you Pastor Dave for urging this body of believers to study on their own, not leaving out any portion of the scriptures and for encouraging them to ask questions. The truth really does set you free! (John 8 and of corse many other)
