Monday, February 8, 2010

All Hands On Deck!

I'm not exactly sure what the meaning is of the title of this post but I've heard it in the movies when something bad is about to happen- it's the sounding of a warning and a call to prepare for it.

We started a series on Jude yesterday and found that Jude was very concerned about people creeping into the Church with a false teaching that distorts the grace of God and whose doom is sure.

Just as an experiment I typed "bad theology" in google search and then selected "videos". It wasn't but just a few seconds and I was listening to a man teach that according to Revelation 3:20 Jesus is standing at the door of your heart pleading to come in to save you. Friends, that's not true. The context for Revelation 3:20 is fellowship. This is being addressed to a Church not the lost. Now I assume his intent was not to deceive but he was wrong. He was trying to support a theological statement based on a wrong interpretation of scripture.

I once heard that theology is like jello, if you wiggle it in one area it starts wiggling all over. What's the point? Be very sober as you open up the word of God. Let the Spirit of God lead you and be certain that your understanding of the text is the correct one. And when you are, live it out with all the passion, excitement and fervor you can muster.

What say you?

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