Friday, February 19, 2010

A New Look

The Brown was getting a little old so I changed the look a bit- what do you think?

Now, how about some feed back! I have a "hit counter" on the right but it doesn't tell me who came, how long they stayed or whether or not they got anything out of reading my posts.

So help me out, is my blogging about the previous sermon helpful to you? Is it a good investment of time? If so, leave a note and/or click the "Keep 'em coming" box right below this entry.

Back to blogging in 3....2....1.....

In verses 8,9 of Jude, an illustration from the greater to the lesser is used. Are you familiar with this kind of argument? It goes something like this- "My dad once drove my mom 600 miles to see her high school friend get married, the least I can do is drive my wife two miles to see that movie".

The argument Jude is making is this-if the great Archangel Michael didn't rebuke Satan as they contended over the body of Moses (and we all know he should be rebuked) then we had better be careful about rebuking people.

I find this story very interesting. Nowhere in the record of Moses, found in Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, do we read anything about this event. Where did Jude find this? Is it true or was he just using a apocryphal story as an illustration tool? Are we missing a book of the Bible? How can we as students of the word figure this out?

What say you?

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