Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's four O'Clock!

It's 4pm and you know, if you were paying attention Sunday, that I just took my afternoon medicine. My alarm, the same alarm you heard that morning has gone off telling me to do what a healthy life requires.

What kind of alarms do you have in your life that remind you to do that which promotes health? We have some built in alarms; a stomach growl tells us we're hungry, a big yawn reminds us....sorry, I just yawned....that we are tired, gray hair that tells us we're running out of time and a clock on the wall or a note on a calender can remind of us an impending due date. But what about things that are due in the future, perhaps years from now that will turn out one way or the other based on what we are doing today- like parenting your kids, doing your homework, figuring out relationships and learning to say "forgive me".

What have you read today? A paper, a book, a menu, a blog??? Think back all those years ago when you learned to read. First came the alphabet, then words, followed by short sentences and now look where that foundational work has taken you. You are using skills today that you struggled so hard to develop so many years ago and has opened so many doors for you. When you started, you had no idea where it would take you but aren't you glad you did? So what are you working on today that will revolutionize your life years from now?

The Bible is a big book filled with enigmatic sayings in places pulled from a different time period and a different culture but what can be learned from it is like hidden treasure. It will take time, effort, some good tools, a little help from the right people, frustration, failure and maybe even some pain, but what you get out of it will positively impact you (and others) for the rest of your life.

So consider this little blog entry as your "wake up" alarm to get going on the thing you always planned on doing some day- Getting to know God through his word, being transformed by His truth, and living the life you've always wanted.

What is the number one reason you don't get in the word and what keeps you at it?

What say you?

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