Sunday, February 14, 2010

Submitting to the Authority of God

Where am I in the Passage?
Today, in our study of Jude 8-16, we noted four marks of those who have crept into the Church unnoticed with a dangerous doctrine. The first of the marks was their Rebellion against authority.

I believe that how one views authority is a pretty good indicator of the condition of their heart. Please read Romans 13:1-7 and see what Paul teaches about Authority. Click here for a link to the passage.

Here is a suggested Outline for this passage:
1. The Source of all authority is God (1)

2. The result of resisting authority is resisting God (2)

3. The purpose of authority is for the good of people (3,4)

- The Law keepers only bring fear to those who break it.

4. The result of obeying those in authority is avoiding God’s wrath and a guilty conscience. 5

5. The purpose of paying taxes is to support God’s purposes in this world (6,7)

Let’s consider the following thoughts;

1. Does God put into authority those who work against God’s plan?

2. How should we respond to unjust rulers?

3. How does the phrase “if you don’t respect the man, at least respect the Office” fit with this passage? Is this what God commands?

4. How do we implement this in our lives? Give specific circumstances.

5. Can you think of any examples of those in the Bible that put this truth into action?

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  1. Let's start off with Question 1. In your posts, please indicate which question you are responding to!

  2. 1) Trick question! Everything that happens is according to Gods plan, so even though they may be unchristian in their rulings, they are there because God wants them to be.
    2)You should give them the honor/respect they deserve, but when their rulings are against the law of God (i.e. abortion, homosexuality, pornography etc.) then you should use your citizens rights to voice your beliefs. Very easy to do today with computer technology!
    3) Thinking #2 answers this.
    4) Look at the proposed health plan; it includes funding for abortions. This is being introduced by our government. We beleive it is wrong, therefore we email/call our elected officials to voice our beliefs.
    5) Esther did when she appealed to the King agaainst the plot by Haman. And Paul claimed his rights as a citizen when he was being improperly imprisoned.
    Todays lesson was a good reminder, especially when confronting all that is being enacted within our government today. Thanks!

  3. That's good Pat, What about the non-political people with authority over us? Employers, Parents, etc? Anyone?
