Wednesday, April 21, 2010

walk towards the light

We started a new series a little over a week ago in the book of 1 John and I have been challenged in a big way and my thinking has really been stretched. I have come to realize that everything we read about scripture is about relationship. I wonder what took me so long to see it. Perhaps too much of a focus on the trees and I missed the forest. I see our relationships in 4 directions- How we relate to ourselves (we are sinners in need of a savior), the world (as a system opposing God), other believers (a family to love and serve) and God (He is light).

Perhaps you remember Reaganomics. President Reagan believed that if corporations we're free from the burden of heavy taxes, they would invest and grow causing them to hire more employees who would spend more their money on products from various companies and as a result create a healthy economy and increase the number of tax payers. It was a start at the top and work your way down strategy.

Whether you agree with this or not I think it is at least a good illustration of how to get things right in our own lives. If our relationship with God is right that in turn will impact how we relate to the church and in turn the world and finally ourselves.

We will see this principle explained over and over again in different ways as we study this fascinating book together.

This Sunday the 25th of April we will study 1 John 2:7-11 and learn that a good barometer of our love for God is to evaluate our love for one another. Take some time to read and mediate on this truth and I'll see you on Sunday!

What say you about that?


  1. You know I've been thinking the same thing about relationships. Many people including Marco and my counselor have showed me that all aspects of life are about relationships. I have been reading other books about relationships such as Boundaries by Cloud & Townshend that show why it is important to have healthy and supportive relationships. To have these kinds of relationships it is important that people are assertive. This is a behavior that I am slowly learning to make a habit. I even have a paper that shows all of the scripture in which Jesus was assertive. Lately I've been learning so much about what it means to love through looking at this paper and listening to people who know what that means. I am so blessed to be challenged in this way and I can't wait for my relationships with everyone, including God, to be stronger because of the lessons I'm learning today.

    Also, even though I didn't go to the service on Sunday, I will definitely want to listen this upcoming Sunday. I am anxious to learn about how my relationships can grow even more.

    Nicole :)

    P.S. Thanks for posting this, I thought you might have forgotten about your blog. I'm so glad you didn't!

  2. Thanks for sharing more thoughts on this. Happy Birthday Pastor Dave!
