Thursday, October 1, 2009


What am I missing? Did you notice in this record of a disabled man being healed that he doesn't pay much attention to Jesus other than to tell the Pharisee's it was his fault that he was "breaking the Sabbath".

Today at our Creative Team meeting where we evaluate past services and plan for those upcoming , we were looking at Thanksgiving and I was reminded of the many passages I have preached in years past on thanksgiving and was thinking about what my text ought to be this year. There's the old stand bye- 10 lepers that are healed by Jesus but only one returns to give thanks but that one's been done to death. It really highlights the truth of the statement that too often we are more concerned about the gift of God than we are God, the giver.

Think about this friends. Say that somehow your income was cut by 40% (let's hope you never have to experience that). What "fat" do you have to cut? I think just a brief evaluation of what "luxuries" could go demonstrates just how wealthy we really are- cell phones, cable/satellite, internet service, your home phone, one less vehicle, smaller house.... the list goes on.

How thankful are you and to whom are you thankful?

Lord you have blessed me beyond what I could have ever imagined and far beyond what I deserve. Forgive me for taking your blessings for granted. You truly are so good to me and if earthly riches are not enough you give me all that you are and a place in your presence for all eternity. Thank You.

What say you?


  1. "What am I missing?" To me, the healed man was probably in shock....not having walked in years and years....he probably was insecure, part of the dredge of society! confronted by a Pharisee!! When questioned about the Sabbath, his brain may have "frozen" and, in pure human behavior, he blamed his Healer!! No doubt each of us is pre-occupied with "Self" a good part of the time and if vehemently confronted by someone in authority, might possibly think: "How can I get out of this accusation?"
    .............leaving Jesus, our Savior and Healer, unglorified. Alas. The "Human Condition." I pray God in His mercy will be that "very present Help in time of trouble."

  2. Re-read your first blog. Is it your intention to hold a diaglogue here? Commenting on our comments? What does this blog "look like" to you? Your view may help us interact if we know your expectation. Yes?

  3. Anonymous, my initial hope was that as I prepared my sermon, I could hear people respond to my process and thoughts causing both myself and the readers/responders to be more prepared for the message on Sunday and following the sermon to ask any questions and/or give feedback. Perhaps my expectation that people would feel comfortable interacting on a blog was over estimated but since it is still relatively new, I have not given up on that aspect.

    Thanks for reading - Dave
